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Out of the Maw
of the Pillar of Autumn... Again...
what you do is go into co-op and pick the maw, once you've started the level
go down to where you first see the little flood coming up the later, kill them
and then go down the ladder,once your down look to your left, you should see
two barrels with fire behind them, first kill the sentinels on your right
befor doing what is next, then go back to the 2 barrels have on player jump
behing them, then have the other player jump on the others head and kill him,
onceyour in the fire with only one player alive, when the other player
respawns the player that respawned should either do these things, 1 nothing
happen but respawn, 2 fall out of the level, 3 respawn inside of one of the
barrels, 4 have is head poped up through the celling(note: cant do anything if
in the celing) 5 be respawned on top of the walls just like in the cryo tube
exploration. Once your on the walls have the other player quickly get out of
the fire and find a checkpoint, because if the player dosent that player will
die in the fire and will not respawn until the player falls back into the poa.
so try it please I know it works. oh and a little side note is that you will
only get on the walls every...oh say about 1 out of 100 times.I could mail in
the proof but I just dont know where to.

It Burns! It Burns!

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