Two Betrayals
Bridge Door Exploration
with FrogBlast
by willie's odd "halo- places your not supposed to be" Post)
Using vehicles to get into doors is best shown here:
It isn't a door, but you can use the same technique to
get through doors.
the Halls on the Far Side of the Double Bridge:

setup for getting through the locked doors:
the banshee up as fast as you can, and press X. You might pop through
the door.

On the other
side... with a shotgun.

Both players in
the hallway, luckily, the door is green.

same as AotCR... but with something missing visually..

Oh boy, a
working elevator!

Ground floor.
It's all here.

Trying to bust
the lock.

out the Hall Below the Double Bridge:

Getting to the
other side using the ghost.

Hmmm.... what
happened to the other side? I was just there!
wall shown here originally noticed
by Legolas)
the Halls on the Near Side of the Double Bridge:

What is that!

It's a sideways
door... !?!?!?

No pink fog, no
pretty lights...

Messing with the
sideways door... can't stop myself... too freaky...

Say cheeeese.

Shields... they
haven't been removed...

The beginning of
Assault on the Control Room... in Two Betrayals...

here is where I would have included a movie of the doors opening and

I can't work with simple text movies...

here's a still sequence of the door opening...

open normally.

Heading back out
of this area... notice the colors...

Agh! Trapped.