tribute to grenade jumping.
with FrogBlast

Pictures of the
captain through the wall at the beginning.

Little flood
turn the aimer red.

My buddies, they
want to give me a boost.

You can't tell,
but this is Grimace standing on FrogBlast standing on a flood.

Grenade jumped
to this room.

Nice place to
hide out

Grenade jumped
across the gap in the floor.


This door looks
unlocked, but it's not.

Strange debris
you can see when you jump out the bay doors.
And now...
climbing to places you aren't supposed to be, in a place you aren't supposed
to be.

Where to get to
the second floor.

Hiding behind
this wall.

On the second

And now for the
third floor (but first re-start everything and try to bring some grenades...)

Here's some
grenades, second floor.

Where to stand.

On top of the
hologram thingy, this re-spawn is tricky.

Both on top of
the holo-thingy.

Positioning for
the final jump.

Third floor.

Way up high
thanks to grenade jumping.

Getting a little

The pillars
don't touch the ceiling.

Touching the
ceiling in Keyes, third floor, after the gap.