Guilty Spark, The Library and Two Betrayals Exploration
with FrogBlast
and Grimace
(inspired by HAL
9000's "343GS: killing flood before your allowed to" Post)

FrogBlast stays
in the dropship. He can't go on.
He has seen too
much death, too much war...

Flood spotting.

Dead flood


Blasting Mendoza

Watching one of
the dead flood appear out of thin air.

Hiya Mr.Flood,
I'm glad your buddies aren't invincible like you.

Grimace got a
boost through the small opening in the door.

Flipping out of
the level using a banshee.

Wow, flew pretty

Getting into the

Grenade jumping
to the other bridge.

Door is locked!?

Taking out both
sides at once.

First flipped
wraith, blasting the pilot.
(Banshee + Hog
combo works great.)

Strange glitch
when firing while flying straight up.

Cool, flipped
another wraith.

Our wraiths.

Good picture of
"MRL" on MC's boot.

...a good point
to stop and get some sleep...