of Autumn: Cryo B to Halo Exploration
1: The Path out of the Pillar of Autumn

Get up here
using the closing cryo-tube lids.

Jump to this

Head to the
corner of the control room.

Jump to the
light fixture in this hall.

Have player two
go into the hallway, jump down to the lights below.

Jump from light
to light in this hallway.

Jump along the
tops of these doors, along this wall.

Jump from this
light to the light player 2 is looking at.

Jump to this

Jump from light
to light, moving towards the dark hallway.

Cut this corner,
jumping from light to light

After the
loading zone, your feet might stick through the floor. Jump out and to
the left a little to fix the problem.

Use these little
lights for extra footing

This part of the
ceiling is easily walked on.

Stand on this
light, then jump to the thin beam to the right.

Use the small
portion of the ceiling above and to the left of the door as a runway for this
big jump...

An easy walk to
the next area...

Same thing as
before, jump to the door, get on the light, walk along the thin beam to the
other side of the hall.

An easy light
hopping trip to the bridge entrance.

On the light
above the bridge door.

This hallway
ceiling is easy to walk on

Almost there!

Stand on the rim
of this doorway.

Jump to this

Walk on the
extremely thin rim of this ceiling structure.

Jump to this
light, then jump out (and a little toward the windows)...


And you can
2: Touching Halo

If you go into
the cafeteria, you will find out who REALLY massacred the